I feel my GAME plan is moving along in a positive direction.
1b) Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.
I have created a list of websites in all content areas that I can use in the classroom. I have a document camera and projector that I have hooked up to the computer. I can show the students the websites whole group and do any of the interactive activities. I also have been sharing the sites with other teachers and inviting my suitemate’s class over to show “cool” websites. The only problem is I need to make sure the site is not blocked at school so I have been checking in the morning.
3c) Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.
I am researching other class web pages and blogs. I am writing down ideas that I can use for the future. I want to know the better sites I can use with the limited amount of time. I am in the process of collecting surveys from parents about how often they would use a class page and/or blog.