16 March 2011

Carrying out the GAME...


1b) Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.

To carry out my plan and achieve this goal I will research websites that are age appropriate for primary students to use. I also will create a list of technology resources that could be used with lessons. I will talk to other teachers at the primary level to find out what technology resources they have used in their classrooms.

3c) Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.

To carry out my plan and achieve this goal I need to create a class website for parents. The website will have updated class information and school events. I will send home a questionnaire asking parents if they would utilize an online newsletter and if they have Internet access. I also will talk with other teachers to share website ideas that are appropriate for the primary level.


  1. Hi Tracy,
    Kari is planning to use a class website for parental communication--I wonder if you two might enjoy exchanging more strategies for this. You could put into your questionnaire some questions about what parents would most like to see on the website, and even some dates you plan to update it so they know when to check back for updates.
    I think this is going to work well and be a lot of fun for all involved.


  2. Hi Tracy,

    I really liked your idea about having a class website. I have always wanted to create one for my students/parents, but have always thought that it takes up too much time! I feel that if I were to create one, that I'd have to post something daily; I'd never have time to keep up with it! Did you ever try to make a class website in the past? How did it work out?


  3. Hi Tracy,

    I think the idea of creating a class website will be very beneficial. I think the parents will also be appreciative that you are asking their opinions about whether they would like this or would be able to use it. Some parents may feel uncomfortable approaching a teacher to let them know that they have no internet access, but if they are asked by the teacher, you are telling them that it is okay to tell them this information.

  4. I have never created a class website so I am a bit nervous to see what the results would be. I think it would be convenient for parents but I also don't want to lose the face to face communication with parents.

    Thank you Susan for sending me in Kari's class website direction.

  5. My classroom blog will be for the kids to publish on but I can see the advantage of me putting on announcements and events and upcoming activities. I still will have to send home announcements home in paper form too because some don't have computers or internet. One way I keep that face to face contact is to invite the parents to have lunch with their student in my classroom the last Friday of the month. We all eat together and brothers and sisters can come too. It is enlightening to see some of the family dynamics - and gives me a less formal time just to get to know parents. I don't let them pull me into a conference but I let them know when we can schedule one.
